Wednesday 21 March 2018

Spring Has Arrived

Spring had arrived....
"When the child gets out its the world itself that offers itself to him" - Dr Montessori.

Dr Montessori considered that the outdoor connection with nature as a rich sensorial experience. It supports the whole child, body, mind and soul and promotes respect for all living things. A true respect of self grows together with a deep respect for others and nature.

(Our Secret Garden) - "The land is where our roots are" -  Dr Montessori.

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Great to see the bulbs sprouting

Now that the cold weather has past the children are enjoying the garden even more. Our garden here at Goldilocks gives them first hand experience of life and growth and endless opportunities for creativity and imagination. The garden activities compliments our Smart Start program as it enhances our fitness and physical development even more. The countless benefits of being outdoors has a real positive impact upon children's lives.